a part of KS Media Group Inc

1545 Ala Mahamoe St.
Honolulu, HI 96819 USA
808-393-3114 (phone/Message)
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Kenny Simmons

David Shinsato

Director of Publicity and Marketing

Savant Books and Publications (SBAP) seeks previously unpublished literary works of enduring value with a twist that expand and transform English readers' point-of-view throughout the world. Special interest areas include:

     * FICTION ("novels" - all genres, but especially historical or alternative history novels based on personal experience)

     * NON-FICTION (memoirs; academic theses and dissertations of note rewritten for the general public; single-author textbooks and workbooks, especially those involving or invoking transformational learning)

Aignos Publishing (AP), an imprint of Savant Books and Publications, is dedicated to the publication of "screenplay novels," an innovative format for next generation of visual-action-oriented readers. Are you a creative screenwriter? Then Aignos Publishing is for YOU! Submit your unpublished screenplay or screenplay novel (screenplay-formatted, dialog-heavy with a little more narrative embellishment than is usual with strict screenplays)!

Savant and Aignos' works are available through  Savant Bookstore Honolulu, (including retail printed, digital and audio books) and from other affiliated and independent online and "brick and mortar" bookstores throughout the world. Most of our books are also available internationally with FREE shipping worldwide from The Book Depository.

Savant and Aignos' works are distributed within USA by
Savant Distribution,
as well as internationally via Ingram Books, Amazon Extended Distribution and other sub-distributors worldwide.

K. Simmons Productions LLC

K. Simmons Productions offers authors the opportunity of seeing their works become available to the public in manga (adult comic book), animation and full cinematic formats. 

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Like to Work with Us? 

Savant Books and Publications,  Aignos Publishing and K. Simmons Productions are currently seeking:

Proofreaders (our entry level position includes proofreader training and certification)

K. Simmons Productions
1545 Ala Mahamoe St.
Honolulu, HI 96819 USA
Honolulu, HI 96819 - USA

Contact Us

© K. Simmons Productions LLC

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