Showing category "Author Introduction" (Show all posts)


Posted by Daniel Janik on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, In : Author Introduction 

My father “Big Jim” was a large man in every sense of the word, and he told big fat lies. He was drafted toward the end of WWII but Japan surrendered the day before he was to report for duty. He told us they gave up because they heard Big Jim was coming. He couldn’t swim but took us to the beach. He’d go in the water and just sink. He said that was how Russians swim and the technique was called “snorkel.” 

         I began my own story-telling before anyone could read my penmanshi...

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Sunday, December 12, 2021, In : Author Introduction 
Writing has always been my supreme passion!

It was nourished at Wabash College, an all-male liberal arts college in Indiana, where as an English major I contributed short stories, satiric articles and cartoons to the literary and humor magazines. Following most of a three-year hitch in the Army Security Agency on the East/West German border, I embarked on a long career as a First V.P. Investments with a major investment firm in Chicago. During this time, I made stock market history when in 196...

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, In : Author Introduction 

My list of writing achievements include a lot of work in the murder/mystery genre and in historic biography.  My first novel, published by Savant, Purple Haze, was recognized by the Pacific Rim Book Festival and is under contract to be made into a motion picture.  I also did the screen play for the movie based on the book and am doing a second screen play for another murder/mystery entitled New Moon Murders published by Outskirts Press.

SHEP'S ADVENTURES  is my first attempt at adolescent fi...

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Author Richard Rose's "RoboCallers from Hell" Blog Post

Posted by Daniel Janik on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, In : Author Introduction 
If you are as infuriated by the deluge of robocalls you get as I am, you’ll enjoy listening to this podcast ( I have devised a way to fight back and have some fun in the process. - Richard Rose

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Sunday, December 13, 2020, In : Author Introduction 

How I have loved my teaching years, so full of cultivating young writers, as well as enjoying opportunities for traveling to many places around the world.  In Canada, I taught English to young adults of different nationalities, and in Portugal the parents of my kindergarten class were missionaries which led me to an African safari.  In the southern part of Crete, I discovered an international poetry seminar and was enthralled.  As my teaching career of encouraging young writers wound to an en...

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, In : Author Introduction 

As a WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA author, I've written over 200-published books of fiction and non-fiction in just about every (if not every) genre … including erotica. Because of the latter, I'm apt to warn potential readers to be sure to check with me to see whether or not a book of mine is a cozy mystery, a mainstream romance, western, sci-fi, horror tale, children's book, or an exposé with enough sex to turn your grandma's toes.

My very first published piece was an article for a men's magazine,...

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, In : Author Introduction 
Award-winning composers, recording artists, performers and producers, Leon Siu and Malia Elliott comprise the versatile, creative team of Leon and Malia whose works range from film scores to commercial jingles, to symphonic works, to children’s songs, to vintage and current Hawaiian music, to contemporary pop and exotic world-beats.

Leon and Malia’s writing credits include the benchmark symphonic cantata, BOY WITH GOLDFISH (Albany Records 2007), recorded with the prestigious London Sympho...

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Friday, April 17, 2020, In : Author Introduction 

Helen R. Davis is an international-award winning author.  Her latest work, TRUTH AND TELL TRAVEL THE SOLAR SYSTEM (Savant 2020) is her first foray into children's literature.  Based on two beloved stuffed animals that Davis had created her own world for, Davis decided to publish this work and introduce her joys and imagination with others.   Davis's imagination is not limited to creating two brave caterpillars. 

She has also published several alternate history novels that imagine happier endi...

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Saturday, February 29, 2020, In : Author Introduction 

An award-winning author, Richard Rose will conduct interviews with engaging guests, entertain with amusing anecdotes and introduce music that may be new (by being old) to some people—and we'll have fun in the process. He will also keep listeners posted about his novels [THE LAZARUS CONSPIRACIES (Savant 2013) and THE GUMSHOE (Savant 2017) and screenplays [COMIC CRUSADERS (Aignos )]. 

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Friday, January 24, 2020, In : Author Introduction 

Becoming an author was very new to me during the time I was in my doctoral program. Luckily, I was able to conduct research in the program under some great individuals who had a love for program evaluation. The doctoral program really helped shape me into who I am today and has really taught me to love research as much as my colleagues do. I picked up on many great insights from the experience.

Dr. Jamie Dela Cruz

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Posted by Daniel Janik on Sunday, December 22, 2019, In : Author Introduction 
I was very lucky to have Mr. Donaldson as my ninth grade English teacher. He taught me that writing was not a chore, but rather an opportunity to explore. He taught his students that when you read a book you follow someone’s path, but when you write, you get to explore. I thank him for sharing his love of language and storytelling, laying it out there for us to pick up. As an author and playwright, I explore new realms, learn, and, when I do it well, I get to touch lives. I am always curiou...
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Posted by Daniel Janik on Thursday, August 1, 2019, In : Author Introduction 
Check out the backstory to Savant Books and Publications' multi-award-winning musical artists, Leon & Malia
Episode 1: Overview Part One (
Talk Story with celebrity host Kimo Kahoano. Leon & Malia, Hawaii’s best loved musical duo, share stories about their adventures on their Musical Journey, from early days in Waikiki to ship cruises to the London Symphony and more!

BOAT DAYS/TROPIC NIGHTS (Island Heritage, 2002) available as a music CD from
   - Sa...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, June 14, 2019, In : Author Introduction 
Gary "Doc" Krinberg was raised in California where he had a significant amount of dead end jobs including hot pretzel salesman, strip club barker, parking lot valet, garage attendant and junkyard truck driver before embarking on a career in the US Navy that afforded him significant travel and exposure to many different cultures. Post navy, he pursued graduate and terminal degrees while teaching in various institutions in Japan, Hawaii and mainland America while helping to raise three sons. 


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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, March 29, 2019, In : Author Introduction 

My authoring career began with studying television writing at UCLA and resulted in a number of short fiction works for CBS TV and other television production companies. But it was my personal experiences gained during service with British intelligence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East that provided the raw fodder for my both my Koski and Falk, and later Kate Keenan Special Assignment series of books. 

Many readers have asked me where my characters came from. The concept came from ...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, January 30, 2019, In : Author Introduction 
Part of the reason why I write a book is because it needs to exist and personally, I really want to read it! I half-jokingly believe that the artist is like a puzzle with one piece missing, perhaps stolen by an unseen power, and this individual will then spend the rest of their life creating works in an effort to try to get that piece back. I’ll confess that I am a hopeless romantic and my works often display that stamp. 

I have been writing for 45 years, since I was nine. I have an MFA in C...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, January 17, 2019, In : Author Introduction 

Helen R. Davis has been intrigued by ancient Egypt since her teen years. She remembers reading several teen biographies on Cleopatra VII, final queen of Egypt, in high school and wondering how the story could have worked in Cleopatra’s favor.  

After graduating from college in 2009, Davis was finally able to sit down and re-imagine the story of the final queen of Egypt as a victory and not a defeat.  What follows is the Savant Books and Publications' "Cleopatra Re-Imagined" Series, which fol...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, September 20, 2018, In : Author Introduction 

THE PRINCESS IN MY HEAD (Aignos 2018) is my third novel, and a departure from my mysteries published so far.  I usually draw from my years as an F.B.I Special Agent for characters and plots that are full of bombs, task forces and financial crime.  In my middle grade Novel and Screenplay, I believe that Princess Aqualine and Princess Allison wanted to tell a different story – one that could entertain as well as help kids solve their own problems and respond to the problems of adults around t...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, June 15, 2018, In : Author Introduction 
I've always been a storyteller. Even before I knew I could be a writer I loved telling stories. In summers during my college days I worked as a counselor at summer camp for kids in East Texas. Each night at bedtime in our cabin, I would sit in the middle of the floor and tell the kids science fiction stories about outer space. The kids were never so quiet until these times as they would hang on my every word. And each night after that, they would all remind me where I left off the night befor...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, April 28, 2018, In : Author Introduction 
If a carnival had passed me at 15, I probably wouldn't be here writing this.

As it is, I ended up pursuing the closest thing to that lifestyle in the late 60's and early 70's when I used to do things like hitchhike up the coast to San Francisco with five dollars in my pocket, swim nude at the Gorge in Big Sur, sleep in a cave next to a log cabin in Laurel Canyon and convince myself surfing was approximate to attending a religious function. But…after myriad dead end jobs and start and stop at...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, March 2, 2018, In : Author Introduction 

     While working as a journalist for the Stars and Stripes (Darmstadt, Germany), the Athens News (Greece), the San Juan Star (Puerto Rico) and the Daily News (New York), I often felt that the deeper truths of the news stories and the people involved escaped the journalistic form. Don't get me wrong, journalism—as practiced by the truly accurate, fair-minded, determined, judicious purveyors of history's (and I'd say in many cases, good literature's) first drafts—is as impo...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, January 23, 2018, In : Author Introduction 
Bo Henry's family and characters in this and the subsequent novels evolved from my grandfather's tales and my family legacy. Analogous to the writing of my previous books, as I composed this story, I could not predict the content of the next scene. I witnessed Bo's adventurous life unfold as it was revealed to me upon the screen of my computer.

When writing a story, I do not know beforehand what form it will take. I am simply the conduit through which the story is revealed. In 1988, one aftern...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, October 26, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

Gnosis: Divine revelation. The basis of enlightened authoring, offering visions of this this and future epochs. In this enlightened state, I am gifted stories of the survival of our species, one of which is STORYTELLER (Savant 2017). As I write, I absorb my own stories, looking to becoming an example of how to evolve as a future human being with a fitting mind, body, and spirit. This is my secret way to not just survive but thrive, finding peace and resolving world suffering

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Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

I always wanted a child. Even before I knew I wanted to be a writer, I hoped that someday I'd be a mother. 

I got my wish. As a new mother – first in my early twenties, and again at forty-five, I spent four unbroken decades raising several children and a stepchild, mostly on my own. Meanwhile, I earned a doctorate in English at UC Santa Barbara, taught the "Great Books" program at St. John's College in Santa Fe and Annapolis, became a political activist, and founded a popular singles club ...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, August 21, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

Readers know me as A. G. Hayes, author of the ingeniously compelling, multi-award-winning Koski and Falk secret agent series, including, in order of publication


THE JUDAS LIST (Savant 2012)



FINDING KATE (Savant 2016) introducing my Kate Keenan Special Assignment series

QUANTUM DEATH (Savant 2016) with Raymond Gaynor


which, many agree would make an exc...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, July 7, 2017, In : Author Introduction 
As a professional actress, journalist, television news anchor, and voice over artist, I've spent nearly two-thirds of my life telling other people's stories; I'm now bursting at the seams to tell my own! My latest released title, BENEATH THEM, is my first release through Aignos Publishing, an imprint of Savant Books and Publications. BENEATH THEM (Aignos 2017) is a young adult thriller about a mentally disturbed young man who secretly moves into the crawl space underneath the home of a happy,...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, July 6, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

My authoring career began with studying television writing at UCLA and resulted in a number of short fiction works for CBS TV and other television production companies. But it was my personal experiences gained during service with British intelligence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East that provided the raw fodder for my beloved Koski and Falk, and later Kate Keenan Special Assignment series of books.

Many readers have asked me where Koski and Falk came from. The co...

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The Rebel Inside SADDAM'S PARROT

Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, June 12, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

I've been a rebellious, "misbehaving" individualist since childhood. It carries over to my writing which is dosed with irreverent characters caught up in mischief and troublemaking. Although I graduated from both Harvard and Berkeley and excelled in writing, it took many years for me to escape or maybe transcend dry and rigorous rationalism. 

For me this was actually a return to my individualist roots and the influences of both a mom and great uncle who were artists, terrific story-tellers and...

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2017 Savant Poets of the Year

Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, June 8, 2017, In : Author Introduction 
It is my pleasure to present Savant Books and Publications "Poets of the Year" whose selected works are now available in SHADOW AND LIGHT - 2017 Savant Poetry Anthology. Every year our guest editor selects the best of the best poetry submissions to present to the world. This year's featured editor is multi-award-winning author, editor and poet, Helen R. Davis. 

This year we present the poems of twenty-two outstanding poets including, in order of appearance, Rose Seaquill, Bipul Banerjee, Dr. M...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, May 15, 2017, In : Author Introduction 
We all come across a point in life where it becomes important to examine who we are and what we've achieved. I wrote a manuscript entitled "Cereus," following something similar to what many would call a mid-life crisis, despite not actually fitting the age group. I had examined the choices I'd made and found I'd been so set on paying my dues, ensuring a good career and juggling a fantastic family, that I had neglected the one thing I had been desperate to be my whole life—a published author...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Sunday, March 5, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

As an amateur DanceSport (ballroom/Latin dance) athlete and competitor as well as a medical massage therapist, I often felt a deep but unspoken connection between the two. During my university studies, I had the opportunity to further explore this connection. Thus began my search for somatic therapy. 

At first, I thought that what dance and massage had in common was Dance Movement Therapy (DMT), a recognized form of psychological therapy. But being Japanese, I wanted something that was less ...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, February 13, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

My passion for writing began after a typical small town boyhood in Kokomo, Indiana. Paper routes, basketball, teen dances and too many greasy French fries were followed by a BA degree at Wabash College, a small liberal arts college for men just down the road from Purdue. As an English major, I contributed cartoons and satiric articles for the humor magazine and short stories for the more serious literary publication.

After graduation and a summer adventure selling Bibles from door to door in ...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, January 14, 2017, In : Author Introduction 

I wrote the first chapter of IN THE SHADOWS OF MY MIND one night over winter break my Senior year of undergrad. I was sitting in my apartment in Ruston, Louisiana, a college town bigger than, but not unlike, the small town in the novel. It was after midnight, so all I could see out the two big windows opposite my couch was darkness.

The plot of what was supposed to be a short story involved a man and a woman with atypical minds trying to help and comfort each other in the darkness of the nig...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, December 2, 2016, In : Author Introduction 

   For me, there is nothing quite as inspiring as nature, a child, nature and imagination.

   We all have different aspects to our identity that need expression, and writing THE ADVENTURES OF PURPLE HEAD, BUDDHA MONKEY AND STICKY FEET (Savant 2016) filled a need to express my love of nature in the voice of my inner child. I was an active youth, but the closer I got to adulthood, the less time I had to wander and imagine. When my son expressed interest in nature, the opportunity presented to r...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, September 14, 2016, In : Author Introduction 
Many people go to Hollywood to find themselves. Having myself spent several years doing just that, I have wanted to include some of my Hollywood experiences as well as some of the larger-than-life characters I met along the way. 

I was lucky to have an instructor, a Mr. Gelman, at UCLA where I was taking a course in Screenwriting. He introduced himself to the class, eyeballed us, and asked gruffly, "How many here want to be writers?" Each of us glanced at each other; a few began to raise their...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, August 16, 2016, In : Author Introduction 
My writing and later authoring career began with "My Daily Diary," a padded pink vinyl diary with a well-used lock and key begun as soon as I could hold a pencil in my hand. Since then, I have filled many journals with life secrets, one volume being so unsettling to an inquisitive neighbor that she destroyed it rather than return it! It was in this way that I learned the power of truthful writing!

Luckily, I grew up in a family that loved word play, practical jokes and laughter. To this day, ...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, June 29, 2016, In : Author Introduction 
It's likely that most readers are familiar with that phenomenon of being so into a book that they go through a handful of chapters without any memory of turning a single page. John Gardner went so far as to claim this should be the writer's goal—to create for the reader a "vivid continuous dream." What’s surprising to me is how this can happen during the act of writing, too.

I remember writing the second half of ALL THINGS AWAIT at Burger Rancho in Santa Teresa, where I'd work three to f...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, May 16, 2016, In : Author Introduction 

No one would be faulted for finding a retired naval officer odd among a group of writers, musicians, and artists. Most would agree that the creative arts and military matters hardly go together, and yet, as a specialist in communications, I was trained to write for absolute clarity in all reports and operational orders. 

But then, I was also a misfit, and it didn't take long in the military to realize that. I was a dreamer in school and college, often lost in a world of fantasy and imagination...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, May 6, 2016, In : Author Introduction 

Just like your first love, you never forget the first time you are published.

For me, it happened when I was taking an Advanced Fiction workshop, facilitated by Mameve Medwed, at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. At the beginning of the workshop, Mameve (an excellent teacher and novelist) announced that if anyone had a story published during the course of the twelve-week workshop, it was a tradition to bring in champagne and sparkling cider to celebrate with the rest of the class. I...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, March 12, 2016, In : Author Introduction 

I was searching for a Koski and Falk adventure in-between THE CHEMICAL FACTOR (Savant 2015) and my next work, FINDING KATE (Savant, currently in editing), and blue-sky chatting with Raymond Gaynor, author of the Tripler and Clark series politico-techno-thriller TOTAL MELTDOWN (Borgo/Wildside 2013), when suddenly, in a synchronous "ah-ha" moment, we came up with the plot for QUANTUM DEATH (Savant 2016). 

The work emerged in its entirety over the next couple months, with Koski and Falk natural...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, March 12, 2016, In : Author Introduction 

It's difficult to put a finger on whose idea both the plot and romance twists were in QUANTUM DEATH (Savant 2016). It seemed like both came about simultaneously and serendipitously for both A. G. Hayes and myself, Raymond Gaynor, during a series of phone chats about a new Koski and Falk adventure between THE CHEMICAL FACTOR (Savant 2015) and his upcoming work, FINDING KATE (Savant, currently in production). I had the pleasure of experiencing something like this when William Maltese and I came...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, December 5, 2015, In : Author Introduction 

    My first published writing credit came when as a kid I had a letter to the editor published in a "Superman" comic book. Later, I started writing art reviews for a neighborhood newspaper. I made twenty dollars an article. I didn't even have a bank account at the time, but the bank at the corner cashed the weekly checks for me anyway. Far more meaningful to me, though, was having my byline in print. The newspaper gig led to writing for other publications, including "Art News" and "Art New E...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, December 2, 2015, In : Author Introduction 
Author Helen Davis has been writing since the age of twenty.

An interest in strong women protagonists led her to write and publish EVITA: MY LIFE (Booksurge, 2009), an historical novel about legendary Evita Peron.

Intrigued by the legend of Cleopatra since she was in high school, as EVITA was released, Davis took up pen and began work on another historical novel surrounding this queen who sought to control nations in an era in which women had little power. A polyglot herself, the author, in t...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, August 6, 2015, In : Author Introduction 

If I were to diagnose myself based on the first story I ever wrote, I'd go with narcissistic idealist. This is a professional classification within the psychiatric lexicon of personality disorders.

Long before I knew anything about such pathologies, I wrote a book about an aardvark. Its title, a real grabber, was "Nire, the Purple Aardvark." Always one to see the world backwards, it doesn't surprise me that I named my quirky protagonist after myself, spelled in reverse. Six-year-old me was s...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, In : Author Introduction 
I started writing seriously when I entered seminary at Boston University in 1972. There I was published for the first time -- a series of poems in an alumni journal, work lost long ago. As a parish minister, though, I became a disciplined writer, having to produce a sermon each week, a literary and theological task.

The challenge was to write at the intersection of human experience and divine response. During this period I wrote many short stories, song lyrics, poems and two nonfiction manusc...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, In : Author Introduction 

My first published work, Ballerina Birdies, is being released just as I am about to give birth to my first baby -- July 2015! Both of them came to fruition with, love, patience, and a great team! Ballerina Birdies, couldn't have a better editor, illustrator or publisher! And to have found them all here locally is just amazing.

My desire to write a children's book came first, I just needed a place to start. I often recited a rhyme here and there about birdies to amuse the children I nannied. ...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, April 24, 2015, In : Author Introduction 
The story of ELAINE OF CORBENIC wrote itself over the course of a few months one spring long ago. It was within a year of my arrival to the Bay Area. Its opening lines wrote themselves the sunlit afternoons as I climbed among the gorse covered hills of a green spring, my own young son in tow.  I remember working long hours during the nights of midsummer, with an urgency to bring it to completion lest anything happen to me. I was not facing a terminal illness, so don't ask me why the thought e...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, In : Author Introduction 
What better way to handle all my angst than to pour them into short stories.

Born in a commuter belt city called Reading, like many a middle or upper class child of such times, I was shunted off to an all-male boarding school aged eight, away from my parents for periods of up to twelve weeks at a time. In such an institutions, where I was to rest until my seventeenth year, there was no getting away from the cruel jibes hurled at me from taunting tormentors. My refuge was the arts room, where ...
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Sabrina Favors for WRITTEN IN THE STARS

Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, In : Author Introduction 
"There is a tradition of story-telling that is passed on from grandparents to grandkids. We stay and they tell. When we stay with parents, they are too busy to tell us stories. And in Hawai'i, kids stay with their parents, not their grandparents, so aren't told as many stories.

Many of the contributors to this anthology come from a Chuukese background, where story-telling is the responsibility of grandparents to grandchildren. Living in the United States, where the family structure is altered...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, July 28, 2014, In : Author Introduction 
Writing has been my lifeblood for as long as I’ve been halfway literate, which makes for about sixty-eight years. In 1946, at age fourteen, I launched a small magazine, "typeset" on a typewriter, creating carbon copies. I wrote poetry and essays and composed songs. Two years later, I edited the school magazine. I was determined to study literature and become a writer. But times were bleak.

Like much of Europe, Holland, the country of my birth, had been under German occupation. Post-war Europ...

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INTRODUCING THE POETS OF VOLUTIONS, the 2014 Savant Poetry Anthology

Posted by Daniel S. on Sunday, June 22, 2014, In : Author Introduction 
Creating VOLUTIONS, the 2014 Savant Poetry Anthology, was like assembling a self-assembling puzzle. The moment I finished final selection (over a 1,000 excellent poems were submitted) the pieces seemed to arrange themselves. For example, Leilani Madison's "Lullaby For My Mother at 103" singularly placed itself after Lonner Holden's "Upon Dying." Two, intricately crafted poems; each magically illuminating the other.

The voices of the poets, hailing from Northern and Southern California, Washing...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, In : Author Introduction 
My passion for creative writing began after a typical small town boyhood in Kokomo, Indiana. Paper routes, basketball, teen dances and too many greasy French fries were followed with a BA degree at Wabash College, a small liberal arts college just down the road from Purdue. As an English major, I contributed cartoons and satiric articles to the humor magazine and short stories to the more serious literary publication.

After a fun summer in New Orleans, where I survived by selling Bibles from d...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, August 12, 2013, In : Author Introduction 
Aloha! As a wanderer who's lived in almost every state of the USA at one time or another (I grew up in Alaska when it was still a territory and live in climatically opposite Hawaii), I like to say when people ask me what I do that I'm an author. That is, after all, what I've been doing for over 40 years in a wide variety of genre's under several different pen-names, despite distractions, like being a pediatric (later integrative health/preventive medicine/public health) physician, university ...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, July 22, 2013, In : Author Introduction 
I have always wanted to write. More often than not, life opened other doors for me, though the door to a writing career always seemed closed.  I found myself in an assortment of fields to support my family, including industrial supervision, construction, and teaching. It was teaching that took up most of my adult life, and I still find myself immersed in it during my “retirement.”

My mother was my biggest writing motivator. She encouraged me to write poetry when I was in elementary school ...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, March 9, 2013, In : Author Introduction 
Tony Tame was born in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1943. His mother was a native Jamaican and his father was "technically" an Englishman who arrived on the island with their baby in arms. An only "island" child, he naturally assumed that simply by being born he had done all that could reasonably be assumed would be required of him in life.

Tony enthusiastically left high school in absolute agreement with his father’s view that "spending further money on tertiary education in his case would be a was...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, In : Author Introduction 

My name is David Allan Williams and I am a writer. It kind of sounds like I should be standing in front of a group at a weekly AA—Authors Anonymous—meeting. I guess that’s how I feel about writing now: It’s addictive. Especially when a work is finally released.

I would not recommend being an author to anyone looking for a career choice. It is a journey full of rejection and despair, brief moments of relief and excitement and capped with an overall anticipation that something bigger wi...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, October 30, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
Like my first book, HELLO, NORMA JEAN (Savant 2010), THE LOONS (Savant 2012) also started out as a screenplay written several years ago. In converting THE LOONS into a contemporary comedy-of-errors novel, I worked hard to maintain the freshness of a play and the visuals of a movie. Reminiscent of the screwball comedies of the 1930s, THE LOONS is replete with heavy doses of love woven throughout the chaos.

As with HELLO, NORMA JEAN, I was excited that Savant Books and Publication saw promise i...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, September 29, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
I have been writing for as long as I can remember. As a teen, in particular, I wrote awful poetry and tried to emulate Bob Dylan. I started writing seriously in seminary at Boston University in 1972. There I was published for the first time—a series of poems in an alumni journal—work lost long ago. During my six year tenure as a parish minister, I became a disciplined writer, having to produce a sermon each week, both a literary and theological task. During this period I wrote many short ...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, August 10, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
When I was little, we would eat good food and then listen to stories. I was fortunate to have two of the best storytellers ever: My father’s mother told fables, horror, and zombie stories. Her stories were flights of fancy, intense and imaginative. My mother told real life stories of growing up in the fifties and sixties. Alternating between each of their homes (I lived with both) I heard the best of both worlds.

I remember as a child telling myself that when I grew up, I wanted to tell sto...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, June 28, 2012, In : Author Introduction 

I have been a freelance editor and writer since 2004. My first paid gigs were for writing short plays and film scripts for a small production company in Atlanta. A theatre-kid, I attended film school and upon graduating thought I was the king fish. Then the production company didn't produce any of the scripts they bought from me and eventually folded. The same thing occurred with several other projects, first a TV show, then a newspaper in Tampa, Florida, and then another TV show, "The Bleepi...
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Autobiography of a Woman

Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, June 4, 2012, In : Author Introduction 

My passion for writing started when I developed a fascination with different alphabets in kindergarten. I became a good speller, and then, I was constantly at the library checking out wordy books with fascinating stories and memorable characters. I started writing poetry in the sixth grade. In middle school, my sister pointed out to me that I had a knack for rhythm and words. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school when a fellow student asked me to autograph a poem I...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Sunday, May 6, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
RULES OF PRIVILEGE is my third legal thriller, and fourth thriller overall (third issued by Savant Books), following KANAKA BLUES, MANIFEST INTENT, and WRONGFUL TERMINATION.

The world of law and lawyers is a fertile field for novels of this ilk, and some would say it’s really not much of a stretch for an attorney to write fiction. Fortunately, I also try my hand at non-fiction, having ghostwritten Murphy Martin’s memoir of his years in journalism, FRONT ROW SEAT: A VETERAN REPORTER RELIVE...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, March 24, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
Dehradun City, Himalayas, India 1977: Two bright, complex, and beautiful U.S. female students accompany their Indian research professor to this city near the tense borders of China and Nepal. The girls question the holiness of the Bhagavad-Gita’s two polygamist avatars while watching the “holy-war” dance of the Mahabharata, its link to polygamy and local heroes (or villains?). The students fall in love with India and their friendly hosts but discover much more about thei...
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Writing It Like It Is: BLOOD MONEY and Other Tales

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, February 28, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
Hello, I am pleased to introduce myself to the published literary world. My name is Scott Mastro, and experience has taught me two things: become a writer only if you have to, and, if you want to be completely misunderstood, write fiction.

The path from writer to author has been a journey of both joy and despair, a struggle of the heart and spirit, a carnival ride of truth and various levels of convoluted B. S. I've learned there's not only an obligation to have something enduring to say, the...
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In the Crucible of the 1960s and '70s

Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, February 15, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
Born in Santa Monica in 1947, Reilly Ridgell’s early life was defined by his father’s Air Force career. Moving every year or so, he spent time in California, Maine, Guam, Delaware, Illinois, and Colorado. Ridgell earned a Bachelor’s degree in political science from UCLA in 1969.He moved on to UC Santa Barbara for graduate school as he earned a master’s degree, again in political science, in 1970.

His master’s degree proved to be useless in finding a job in the Los Angeles of 1970. Af...

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The World from William E. Sharp, Jr.'s Perspective

Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, February 1, 2012, In : Author Introduction 
Growing up on a small island, seaside resort in New Jersey, I had little interest in Asia until October of 1968 when the US Army whisked me off to Vietnam where I served in the 525th Military Intelligence Group. My duties were fairly broad; however, the part I liked best was reviewing and analyzing intelligence information reports that dealt with both the political and tactical situation in the Vietnamese Highlands. Leaving the army in 1971, I returned to college and decided to pursue a Bache...

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Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, November 10, 2011, In : Author Introduction 

As a writer and author, I've been involved in a love-hate fight all my life with my last name, “Puissegur," feeling the need to defend my unique Louisiana French heritage, despite a name few Americans could read, much less spell or remember easily. Interestingly, it was this peculiar last name that led me to research not only my family history, but my own fascination with conspiracy theory and, in Louisiana, it's very heart and soul: oil. In the process it became clear that I had a special ...
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Laurie Hanan in Almost Paradise

Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, September 16, 2011, In : Author Introduction 
Laurie grew up in the picturesque islands of the South Pacific. Her father pioneered air travel to many of the tiny islands, and Laurie often accompanied him on his flights. After high school, she moved Seattle to study photography and dance. While there, she discovered an interest in Jewish Studies, Hebrew, and Middle Eastern dance.

She went to Israel to pursue these subjects, earning her keep by working in the cotton fields of the Jezreel Valley. On a second trip to Israel, she met the love...
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2011 Savant Choice Poets

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, August 16, 2011, In : Author Introduction 
It's that time of year, when Savant Books and Publications releases it's yearly anthology of poetry, this second in the series entitled WAVELENGTHS.

Now available from the Savant Bookstore and on, WAVELENGTHS spotlights the best of established and new/upcoming poets including:

Four Arrows, of Cherokee and Irish ancestry, the author of numerous books, chapters and articles on topics relating to wellness and Indigenous worldviews. Recipient of the Martin Springer Institute on Holocaus...
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Meet Author G. Amati (AMMON'S HORN)

Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, July 2, 2011, In : Author Introduction 

I was born in an orange crate house next to a pot-belly stove in the cold spring of 1930, where "out" was the only option.

My pop was a genius in tile and terrazzo work and anything else he put his hand to. Mom was a self-taught linguist. Dad's earliest book was a tri-lingual, illustrated dictionary.

After receiving my BA (English) from Wayne State University and, later, after a stint in the US Army, I went back to school for my MA from U. of Chicago. Initially, I worked as copy-reader with C...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, June 17, 2011, In : Author Introduction 

I was born nicotine-stained; it's true.

My mother was a nineteen-year-old dancer and had been smoking since the age of ten, when she first went on the stage with a children's troop after the end of World War I. My father had been given a classical education in a prestigious Catholic college in England, to find himself with a wife and no skills whatsoever to make a living (his family had disowned him when he announced to them his marriage to an eighteen-year-old chorus girl).

What to do? M...

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Meet Chan Kim Author Ilan Herman

Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, May 9, 2011, In : Author Introduction 
I was jogging on the beach one autumn morning, the tide low and gray, when I saw an Asian woman standing barefoot in the sand, eyes set on the cloudy horizon. In her thirties, slender and youthful, she had dark hair in a thick braid and wore a light-brown dress that came down below her knees. I jogged by. I don’t think she noticed me. Her dreamy eyes seemed far, far away. I looked back one last time and took in her stoic gaze.

I wonder what she’s all about, I thought, and then I wrote a s...
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Meet Mila Komarnisky

Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, April 8, 2011, In : Author Introduction 
I am native Ukrainian, and that's what my new historically-based novel, WRETCHED LAND, is all about. I came to Canada twenty years ago to meet my pen pal, Selmer Komarnisky. We eventually married and currently live in central Alberta.

The first few years in Canada were a time of adjustment. I was fortunate to meet a wonderful group of fellow Canadians, who helped me to feel at home. Trained in veterinary medicine in the Ukraine, I joined a doctoral program in Nutrition and Metabolism at the ...
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Meet Savant Author Jim Currie

Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, In : Author Introduction 
For as long as I can remember, writing has been both an extension of imagination and a way of figuring out what I truly believe.  Through high school journalism I quickly discovered that I enjoyed the challenges of deadlines and trying to figure out the hidden and compelling drama behind the most ordinary stories.  I guess in this sense writing was a form of both puzzle solving and exploration—and a chance to do it with elan and personality. 

This penchant for letting writing lead a...
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Meet Author S. Stanley Gordon, His Two Wives and Three Husbands

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, March 1, 2011, In : Author Introduction 

Even though I have had several distinctly different careers during my lifetime, never in my wildest dreams would I ever have imagined that being an author would crown my later year accomplishments. But here I am, in my eighties, having my first book published….and planning more.

Well, that just shows how exciting life can be if you are open to new adventures.  And if you have LOVE in your life.  With two wives and three husbands (and a few amours in-between) I have certainly known love….an...
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Richer...and Richer!

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, In : Author Introduction 
Rich Cameron kept trespassing into my thoughts like an uninvited but interesting guest.  He had so much more to say that was worth listening to, reading about, sharing with his audience - those who read POOR RICH (Savant, 2010) and those who haven’t - that everything else in my writing agenda took a back seat until Rich told this funny, gripping, sometimes hysterical, sometimes tearful, always delightful story.
It was like listening to a young adult telling an older, and wiser adult a story ...
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Introducing Sue Dolleris, Author of HELLO, NORMA JEAN

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, December 21, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
A psychic friend once told me, "I see success for you but late in life." Twenty plus years ago that didn't seem very encouraging, but now, in my early (very early) sixties, I think any measure of success I experience would qualify as "late in life."

Luckily, Dan Janik, Publisher of Savant Books and Publications, saw promise in my pitch for HELLO, NORMA JEAN: a woman has a near-death experience, and her guide back to life is Marilyn Monroe. I'm sure I made it through the slush pile in Dan's e...
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Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, December 10, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
A French native, Robin Ymer, (Claude Aguilera's pen name for her mythical children's fantasy, MYTHICAL VOYAGE: THE TALE OF THE WHITE PONCA), spent her formative years in North Africa and France. Early in life, she manifested an interest in art. A dreamer and mediocre student in high school, she eventually boarded at the conservative "Maison de la Legion d'Honneur" in Saint Denis. There, Robin spent her free time drawing, and, after a summer stay in Sidmouth, England, she decided to study lang...
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Meet Dr. Ronald Klueh, Author of Soon-To-Be-Released PERILOUS PANACEA

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, September 28, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
This is supposed to be a self-introduction of Ronald Klueh, the writer, so here goes:

I was born and raised in the small town of Ferdinand in Southern Indiana.  Since I was the oldest of six children, there was no money for college, so I spent two years in the army after high school to figure out what I wanted to do. What I eventually did was get the GI Bill, and I was accepted by the Purdue University Engineering School and the Indiana University Journalism School. I wanted to write, but I ch...
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Introducing Author Don "Four Arrows" Jacobs

Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, September 8, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
The inspiration for LAST SONG OF THE WHALES came when a humpback whale surfaced inches from me while I was boating in Barkley Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Like many who are spiritually moved by such a close encounter with a whale, I was haunted by the possibility of a communication between the whale and me for several days. During that time, I had the opportunity to learn about the plastic pollution of our oceans, specifically the “Great Garbage Patch” in the North Pacific...
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Introducing Rising-Star Novelist Jean Blasiar

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, July 6, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
As an established playwright and author, I am pleased to be a member of the Savant Books and Publications team.

Six of my plays have been produced in the Los Angeles area, one of which was optioned by 20th Century Fox for a pilot. As president of MGR Productions, I have produced 12 original plays in Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. One of them, Garry Marshall’s “Wrong Turn at Lungfish” was co-produced by me in Los Angeles with Jeffry Ash and James Freydberg.

This year, the firs...
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Novelist Mike Farris Introduces the KANAKA BLUES

Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, June 24, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
I first became interested in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement over a decade ago, and out of that interest I first developed the germ of an idea for a story. The result is KANAKA BLUES. 

Believe it or not, there are really two Hawaii’s. One is the “tourist” ideal, consisting of white beaches, resort hotels and golf courses, luaus, and hula dancers.  The other is the “real” Hawaii–the native peoples living in near poverty because the tourism industry has created prices for food, sh...
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Meet Thriller Author Mike Farris

Posted by Daniel S. on Tuesday, May 25, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
Having been a practicing attorney for the past twenty-seven years should make me an expert in writing fiction, but don’t tell anybody. I am currently Of Counsel to the Dallas, Texas, law firm of Tipton Jones, where my practice includes complex commercial litigation as well as entertainment law, focusing on the movie and publishing industries.

But it’s the world of books and movies that is truly my passion. In addition to my practice at Tipton Jones, my wife Susan, also an attorney, and I...

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Gloria Schumann Delivers: CALLED HOME - TWO HEARTS ANSWER

Posted by Daniel S. on Saturday, May 8, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
Anticipation has been constantly building since I signed with Savant last summer to begin the publishing journey for CALLED HOME - TWO HEARTS ANSWER to release. Now, May 8, 2010, I'm thrilled to introduce a book that has been my significant companion over the past year and a half and has taken me on my own journey of learning and growth.

Romance is my genre; my first passion in books and movies. All categories interest me, but love grabs me all the time, and CALLED HOME - TWO HEARTS ANS...
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Meet Gloria Schumann, Author of CALLED HOME

Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, April 12, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
Gloria Schumann called to write CALLED HOME - TWO HEARTS ANSWER

Words for descriptions, words for feelings, words for actions—all run through my head around, above, amongst the characters that drive the need for these words. My imagination is ever at the ready to take off into the magical world of fiction. My characters are kind, compulsive, intense, base, philanthropic, rude, giving and forgiving. The situations are as varied and entertaining as the characters. This world is where I am c...
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Meet Bentley Gates - Author of the Exciting, Just-Released, Thriller THE BAHRAIN CONSPIRACY

Posted by Daniel S. on Wednesday, March 24, 2010, In : Author Introduction 

Although I pen thousands of words to describe action adventure tales, it is difficult for me to string together a few dozen words about myself. My background in investigations gives rise to skepticism, continuously challenging norms, demanding reasoned explanations, holding high standards to meet. I insist on high standards in my fictional writing as well, expecting the reader to be as skeptical as I am. That said, I also am a realist who knows that only by meeting the high standard set by re...
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Larry Rodness, Proud Father of "Today I Am A Man"

Posted by Daniel S. on Sunday, February 7, 2010, In : Author Introduction 
Back in the late sixties my band was hired to perform at the opening of "Hair," the musical, in Toronto. For a musician to experience this seminal musical  about peace and love was a huge thrill, but let’s not kid ourselves - we were all there for the nude scene! The after-party was great and many of the cast came up and jammed with us into the wee small hours. From then on it seemed like every stage show had to have a nude scene.

I remember attending another such drama entitled "Dionysius ...
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Today I Am A Savant Author

Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, December 21, 2009, In : Author Introduction 
Hello World,

It’s my pleasure to join the stable of writers here at Savant Books and Publications.

To me, writing has not been something I’ve always wanted to do, but something I’ve had to do. At various times writing has been an artistic outlet, a catharsis, and a place to run and hide in order to give me perspective. I...

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Into the Zone - Tatsuyuki Kobayashi's Interzone

Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, December 10, 2009, In : Author Introduction 
Hello!  My name is Tatsuyuki Kobayashi.

began making woodblock-prints while studying at Sugino Fashion University. In 2006, I presented my collected works in an international exhibition entitled "Rashoumon" at the Gallery La Mer in Tokyo. I exhibited more of my works in a second exhibition entitled "Self-portrait," a part of "The World of Five Individual Artists," again at Gallery La Mer in Tokyo. Inspired by Daido Moriyama's photography, I am continuing my exploration of the "Interzone" in ...
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William Maltese

Posted by Daniel S. on Sunday, November 1, 2009, In : Author Introduction 



Getting to know me…

Getting to know all about me…


What in the hell does one write in a blog? What in the hell does a writer write in his blog? What in the hell does one writer, this writer, write in this/his blog?

The Savant lead-in explai...

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Pre-release Spotlight: Meet Tony Tame

Posted by Daniel S. on Monday, September 28, 2009, In : Author Introduction 
My biography may appear simple at first look; however, born in Kingston, I have been associated with the commercial fishing industry now for over forty years. Engaged in marine sales, repair and marketing since the mid-1960's, after 1970, I switched to supply and service of equipment to the commercial fishing industry in and around Jamaica and the West Indies.  My lifelong interest has been in the methods used in various types of fishing and the people who do it.  All the stories in "The Vill...
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Meet R. Page Kaufman

Posted by Daniel S. on Friday, August 28, 2009, In : Author Introduction 
It’s both a pleasure and an honor to be a part of the Savant Books & Publications Author’s Blog. But, it’s even a bigger thrill to introduce myself and my writing to you, the reading public.

I guess you could say that I’ve lived a pretty exciting and varied life; lots of places and experiences to draw from, all culminating with my first fiction novel, "Tropic of California: The Strains of Strauss."

I’m the original Southern California “dude” who, growing up, always enjoyed fun in ...

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Daniel S. Janik

Posted by Daniel S. on Thursday, June 25, 2009, In : Author Introduction 

As the owner, senior editor and acquisitions editor for Savant Books, and a professional writer, I am honored to be the first to post to this Savant Author's Blog.  A physician-educator-linguist-writer-producer who's lived in almost every state of the USA at one time or another (I grew up in Alaska when it was still a territory and currently live in Hawaii), when people ask me who I am the first word that pops out is "a writer."  That is, after all, what I've been doing for over 40 ye...
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New Author/Recording Artist/DVD Producer Blog

Daniel S. Get to know new and established Savant authors and what they're working on these days.


abandonment abiotic abortion academic acceptance acquisitions editor acting action activist actress addict addiction admiral adolescent adoption adventure africa agent aguilera aignos alaska allergy aloha alternate history alternative history america american amsterdam ancient egypt ancient rome andrew angeles angst animal animals anthology antony argentina army arrow art arthritis artist asia asthma astronomy attorney audio-video producer australia austria author authoring autism autobiography award awards b. dalton backstory bahrain baking ballet bangkok bank battle of actium bayou beneath them berkeley berlin bewilderment bhagavad-gita big sur biology bird birth black blasiar blogger blood blues bo henry at three forks boarding school boat days/tropic nights body bollywood bomb book book club book of answers book of ascendancy books borgo bracht bradford brazil bridge brinckmann british british intelligence broadway buddhist budge bull-shit bully burger ranchero burns caesar california called cambodia canada candle career caribbean carnival cartoons carver caste cat catastrophe cate burns caterpillar catholic cattlemen cd cereus channeling chaos character charlie chekhov chicago child children children's book china chorus church chutzpah chuuk city clay cleopatra cleopatra re-imagined cleopatra unconquered cold murder case cold war collection college color-me-please coloring book columnist comedy comic coming of age coming-of-age communication communications specialist community mental health community theatre compassion composer computer con artist concert connie dunn conspiracies conspiracy corbenic corps costa rica counselor country courace court crazy creative writing crete crime crisis critical thinking critical writing crusaders cult curtain cyprus dairy dakota dance dance movement therapy dancer dancesport dare dark davis daydream death delight despair destiny detail determination devotion diary dilemma director of distribution disease dissertation distribution diver divine response dmt doc doc krinberg doctor dog dolleris doroty winslow wright dostoevsky dragon drama dream dreams druid dvd east eastern europe ebook ecology edd eden edit editing editor education educational educator egypt elaine elfman elizabeth mckague emotion energy england english enlighten enlish entertainment entwined environment esl essay evita evolution expectant exploration fable fairleigh dickinson university falk falling fame family fantasy far east farm farris father faulkner favors fbi feeling festival fiction fifty-eight stones films first breath fishermen fishing flashbacks flicker forest bracht fowles france freelance friedman fulfilled future garcia gardner gary 'doc' krinberg gates gathering gay gaynor george hudson germany gift girl gloria gnosis gogol golden good and evil goodreads grail grammar grey grief grimshaw group therapy guam guinevere gumshoe hardy boys harpercollins harvard hawaii hawaii kai retirement center hawaiiana hayes head heal heald college health hearts hebrew helen herman heroin hilo himalaya hindu historical history hodorovych hokule'a holland hollywood home homelessness homophobia honolulu honor hope hopeful horror horse human human rights human species humanity humpback husband i i love lucy i'll remember ii illness imagination imaginative play in the shadows of my mind india indian indian navy indies individualist injection injustice inner child inspiration intelligence intent interview interzone intrigue investigation investment iran irreverent island island music island wildlife islands israel italy jacobs jamaica janik japan japanese jazz jean jeopardy jewish jihad john gardner journalism journalist joy jumper kaethe kauffman kama kanaka kate kaufman keenan kentucky killer kindergarten kindred king arthur kingfish kobayashi korea koski krinberg la lake language laser latin america launcelot laurel canyon law lawyer lawyers lazarus learning legal legend legends leon leon & malia leon siu lesbian lethal levitation libido tsunami library libya light linguist lion's way literacy literary literature loggers london lorin tarr gill writing contest los angeles loss louisiana love lullaby moon lyrics magazine magic magical fiction mahabharata malia malia elliott malory malta maltese man manifest manserian marc antony marcantoni marilyn marriage massachusetts massage massie mastro matheny maui meaning medieval melodrama meltdown memoir memoirs mental illness mentally disturbed mercantile marine merlin mexico mia micronesia mid-east mid-life crisis mid-pacific middle middle east midwest military miller mind minister minnesota mischief missionaries money monkey monroe mother movie mr. maybe mullin multiple murder music music cd musician muslim mystery mystic myth mythical myths nancy drew nashville national geographic native nature naval officer navy near-death nepal nevada new jersey new york newpaper news anchor noir non-fiction norbertine norma novel novelettes novelist novella novellas novels nuclear nun oahu ocean oil oliver one-act play outback outer space outsider owner oz pacific pacific northwest paint palestine parents paris parrot peace peever performer peron personality disorder petrodollars petroleum phd photography physician planets play playwriting plutonium plymouth colony podcast poem poet poetry poets polish political political struggle politician politics polygamy polyglot ponder poor portugal postal postcards power practical jokes priest princess producer professor program evaluation proofreader prophesy protest psychiatrist psychiatry psychologist psychology psychotherapy publish puerto rico puissegur purple haze purple head quantum raccoon radio radio announcer rat mort real realism recording artist recovery redemption rees reich rejectin relationship religion renaissance repression research resilient rest retribution revelation rheumatic rheumatiod rhyme rhythm rich richard richard rose rights riot robert maika'i jr robocalls rock rodness roers roll romance rome rose rubin rural russia sacrifice saddam san francisco sandia santa teresa satire savant scam schizophrenia schumann science science fiction scotland scott scout screenplay screenplay novel screenplay-novel screenplays screenwriter screenwriting script sculpture sea seal seaside seattle seminary senior editor serial sermon service shep's adventures ship captain short stories short story single mother skull social issues society sociologist solar solar system soma somatic song song lyric soul sovereignty spirit spiritual spirituality spy staff stage step-father sticky feet stocco stories story story-teller storyline storyteller storytelling structure student suburban sudan suffer suffering sufi suicide sun superman supernatural support surfer surfing survival sutra sydney symphony taiwan tales tame teach teacher teaching technology teen television tenessee tennessee terror terrorism terrorist texas the literary review the princess in my head the winter spider theater therapist therapy thesis thrill thriller thrive time time travel today tokyo tolstoy tony torture total transform transformation transformative travel traveler troublemaker tsunami turgenev turner turth turtle tv two u2 ucla uhene uk ukraine unborn university usa valedictory vampire vaudeville veneto venice vermont vern vernon victorio vietnam village virus vivid continuous dream voice over artist volution volutions vonnegut voyage war washington washington d. c. watching america waterfront wavelengths weapon weapon of mass destruction werewolf western westerns whale wildside wisconsin woman women women's woodcut woods words world wright write writer writing ww ii wwii yabook yacht yearly young-adult zimbabwe 1980 2011 2018 2019

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