My biography may appear simple at first look; however, born in Kingston, I have been associated with the commercial fishing industry now for over forty years. Engaged in marine sales, repair and marketing since the mid-1960's, after 1970, I switched to supply and service of equipment to the commercial fishing industry in and around Jamaica and the West Indies.  My lifelong interest has been in the methods used in various types of fishing and the people who do it.  All the stories in "The Village Curtain: A Jamaica Collection" have authentic origins. Despite my recent foray into writing - recording the challenges and foibles involved in this exciting occupation - my fascination with the people and industry remain undiminished. 

"The Village Curtain" examines a specific segment of West Indian, and in particular Jamaican society's use of culturally unique survival techniques and the private culture that results within small Caribbean fishing communities.  To this purpose, I have created a non-existent village and populated it with imaginary inhabitants, but using authentic geography and weather.  My purpose was to create an atmosphere of deceptive reality.

I hope readers will enjoy experiencing this extreme difference between appearance and reality in so picturesque and idyllic a place as the West Indies where the outcome of the best charitable, official and bureaucratic efforts is always uncertain at best. This is a recurring theme within the story.

My intended readership is those who enjoy modern fiction in the best literary tradition, and perhaps undergraduate and graduate students interested in the culture of the West Indie.  That said, I invite you to join me on a journey of a lifetime to what may well be the last Eden on earth.

Tony Tame
Author of "A Village Curtain:  A Jamaica Collection" - scheduled for release in October 2009
"A Village Curtain" will be available on and at fine bookstores worldwide
Author website at